About Us
We know what you’re thinking….here are some doomsday people who believe the world is coming to an end. To get confessions out of the way, we don’t build bomb shelters or stockpile weapons, nor do we judge people who do. We understand why they’re worried. Our Government is getting more and more in debt. Food prices keep skyrocketing and shortages are happening everywhere. We’ve seen first hand how being prepared is not just an option, but a necessity. When the crisis comes, the time for preparation is past.
We started SurvivalSeeds.org to provide people with the peace of mind that comes from being able to live completely on your own….peace of mind to know you’re prepared for anything. We make worry-free, premier Seed Kits with double the amount of seeds other companies provide. It’s a bulletproof way to have a renewable food source for years to come. We strongly believe in being self-sufficient, especially when it comes to something as critical as food. A Survival Seed Kit is a small price to pay for the knowledge you and your family can survive a food crisis. We feel the peace that comes from preparation and we want the same for you.